When the turn starts, if the wearer's stamina is below 50%, recovers all stamina and increases wearer's strength by 2,000-8,000 points for 3 turns. 3 uses.
Adrenaline Injector is an Extra Turner's best... hmm... friend. It helps monsters with Extra Turns recover Stamina and boost their Strength, allowing them to wipe out teams without worrying about Stamina. Overall, a solid Talent, and a must-have for Extra Turners.
- Restores all stamina
- The damage boosts can stack up up to 24K in certain situations.
- 3 uses
- Possession or Corrupted can be a problem
Recommended Monsters[]
- Dark VoltaiK can extremely benefit from this as it refills all of his stamina as an ET Monster.
- Any Metro attacker without stamina regeneration relics can also benefit from this talent.