Monster Legends Competitive Wiki
Monster Legends Competitive Wiki

One night, a clan of orc magicians violated the skulls of three long-dead Barbarian heroes to use in a dark summoning ritual. It worked, but she wasn't happy about the interruption. What happened to those orcs? Only Weirdika knows.

Role: Support


Weirdika is a neat Magic Support, basically a better Izabeth. Her movepool is good, synergizing well with the current Meta of Cherub Cupid, having an Ally NER + Triple Damage to have an ally potentially wipe the entire enemy team. She can Remove Positive Effects so that pesky effects like Evasion don't last, and spread Vulnerable with it too so your allies do even more damage. Her speed stat is the 4th fastest in the Doomed Era which is crazy, and her relic slots are also pretty decent. Mask isn't the most useful on a Supporter, but Staff is amazing, as you're able to run Masher's Staff or Cane of the Atlantis to regain stamina for allies. Sadly it goes downhill from here. Her trait is extremely lackluster. SC: Team Stamina Regeneration is nice, but Orc and Stun immunity are situational at best. Next, her Hater effects are very situational and luck-reliant but aren't useful in most cases. Overall, though, her supportive capabilities should not be underestimated and can wipe an entire team with the right ally.


  • Great supportive abilities in NER, Damage Boost, Triple Damage, and Stamina Regeneration
  • Access to PER
  • Boosts Damage with Vulnerable and Haters
  • 4th fastest Monster in the Doomed Era!


  • Haters are situational
  • Mediocre trait
  • All NER skills are single

Recommended Moveset[]

Today on Watch Mojo, we have top 10 orc betrayals. #1 may surprise you[]

  • Final PotentiatOrc (Ally NER + Triple Damage + Stamina Regeneration, 48s, 3 CD)
  • For The Horde! (AoE PER + 30 Magic dmg + Vulnerable, 36s, 2 CD)
  • Orc Tranquilizers (40 Magic dmg + PER + Vulnerable + Damage Reduction, 36s, 1 CD)
  • For Alarorc! (Ally NER + Damage Boost, 30s, 0 CD)

Recommended Runes: 3 Speed/Team Speed

Recommended Relics: Murk's Staff, Xiron's Staff, Masher's Staff, Tetsuman's Mask, Torvax's Mask, Raijin's Mask

Recommended Talents: Ancient Cloak, Purgatory Throne

Recommended Allies[]


Doomsday Era Doomsday Era

Doomsday Season 1

Doomsday Season 2

Doomsday Season 3

Doomsday Season 4
